EarlyRepair is a website dedicated to provide easy customer management and deliver efficient workflow management. Trusted by Samsung and its subsidiary field service organization, EarlyConnect presents the online platform that can bring satisfactory customer service and top-to-bottom repair request & part management.
Product Feature
Map View
You will have an access to destination your technicians will be heading for next customer.

Automatic work assignment by Region
We all know that, to maximize the work efficiency of technicians, reducing the travel time for technician is necessary. EarlyRepair allows manager to assign the repair ticket to technicians based on their region code.

Daily work assignment
On EarlyRepair website, you can have a quick glance on daily assignment of each technicians with list of repair tickets. It also supports the calendar view of technician progress to provide more comprehensive view on tech performance. Our daily work assignment page is capable of significantly reducing time for manger to check the progress of technicians.

Compatibility with other platform
EarlyRepair website is compatible with any database or system you currently have. Instead of creating whole new system, you will be able to work on the same data you have used before on EarlyRepair.
Customer cases by ticket
Keeping track of customer case is a key to maximize the customer satisfaction. Every tickets on EarlyRepair can provide the overview of repair progress, required parts, customer remarks, and more features based on your request.

Built-In part order for each customer case
Instead of using the different website to make a part order while filling out the ticket, EarlyRepair supports the part order within the ticket information. There is no need to check the ticket information and part separately any longer.
Insightful report on tech performances(Daily work, redo, openticket)
As the tickets are being created, modified, and closed, EarlyRepair collects all the data on the ticket progress to show you how many tickets are created or changed in a day, how many tickets were completed by specific technicians, and much more customized reports based on your request.